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All I can be is just me... Here I am for all to see, love me or leave me alone.

50 Shades of BULLSHIT, Gentlemen, Pay Attention!!

Why didn't she ever call or text you back after the one night of "FUN" you had with her?!?

OK Guys, 

I am giving you the information you want. Here it is...


MOST guys don't watch, listen, or feel for the signals a woman puts out as to whether he's going in the right direction or he's off the map altogether. Women aren't all the same, and guys are often on a psychotic mission to get to a very specific place on a woman's body, when they do they are big clumsy oafs just jamming their fingers teeth tongue or nose in the softest warmest wettest spot they can find...

Guess what baby, IT HURTS!!! 

Some guys don't realize when a woman is slapping them on the head, they are tapping out, saying "OK that's too much pain!! STOP"... they don't listen to the words OUCH, NO, STOP, when they've got a very sensitive section of our naughty parts between their teeth... I don't know what book or porno is being circulated among men these days, but STOP reading/watching it... Women are delicate, we like to be touched softly, sensually... if we TRUST you beyond there, we will indicate we want something harder, faster, whatever... ALWAYS start gentle and the rest will work itself out...

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