About Me

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All I can be is just me... Here I am for all to see, love me or leave me alone.

Co-dependence wears heavy, like a lead vest, or cement shoes.

When I was a kid, I resented the fact that some people were treated differently (as though they are somehow less than). I've spent my entire life treating others the way that I would like to be treated. However, as the dawn breaks and I awaken a little bit, I can see that not everyone was raised with the high bar for good grades or doing their best. 

Although I could never please my parents, and it has always caused me to feel less than; I can see that some people were barely raised at all, there was no attention placed on kindness, integrity, or quality at school or work. They were happy to get by (even if they barely made it), and to never go above and beyond, to never set goals of their own, let alone to ever exceed them. 

I used to be a people person. Now, I am learning that I have less and less in common with the very type I am drawn to, it pains me to know that there are just some that I just can't have riding shotgun on any leg of my journey.

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